Why Vince McMahon is still really running WWE


It's really not that hard to understand that Vince McMahon has been growing the WWE for over 40 years now. And although the recent scandal has landed the temporary former CEO in hot water, the WWE chairman has always bounced back from bigger things. For example, of course, there was the infamous steroid trial scandal where the government couldn't touch Ms. McMahon. He got out of that, so why should this situation be any different?

He is such a wealthy man that he paid a former paralegal $3 million to keep quiet about their relationship.

So, does this mean that Vince McMahon thinks he can pretty much get away with anything? I think so, and why should this situation be any different? Keep in mind that Vince McMahon was forced to step down. He chose to step down. With over 90% of the voting power, fans seem to think they've been through Grand is on its way out the door. However, this is a unique situation in which the CEO could step away permanently, but he still would somehow be in the driver's seat.

They've already chosen his daughter as a successor for now. So what's stopping you now from choosing someone like Triple H to run a company and then putting Vince McMahon somehow in creative control of where you really want to be? Fans don't see the day today operation, so why should the situation be any different? Vince McMahon is not going anywhere anytime soon, so friends can get that idea out of their heads right now.

In conclusion, this is too rich, too powerful and it would be just too easy for him to walk away. So he's not going to walk away, he's going to stay right where he is in the driver's seat.

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