Which Wrestlers use steroids

 As we all know now steroids can affect your body in many ways. Today, we're going to talk about some WWE wrestlers who took steroids to either enhance or heal their bodies.

In the world of professional wrestling steroids have been running rampant since the 80s much of the pro wrestlers are expected to look big and have powerful and posing bodies as a result, some of those wrestlers take the easy way out, however, many fans believe some wrestlers are putting their health at risk and bodies on the line. What WWE wrestlers do many fans believe they are constantly on steroids?

Well my dear would be the most of them honestly anyone who looks too good to be true that means it probably is. as far as steroids are concerned it's a tricky one now that WWE has its wellness policy in place most wrestlers will either get caught using steroids or quit trying to avoid a test positive. A physique doesn't have to be huge or freaky to be on steroids they can expedite recovery from injury, and they can enable you to go hard on your workouts.

Imagine being able to squeeze in and retain that muscle this out what a crazy work schedule like wrestlers have. Once you actually sit down and look at the list of wrestlers that have died young you start to ask yourself is it me or do wrestlers die awfully Young? It is no secret that many wrestlers died really young. What is most of it contributing to steroid use or just the way life is?

Some wrestlers that have been well known to use steroids weather for healing, or weather just for pure play: Range from Edge, Umaga Fatu, Randy Orton, British bulldog, The Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan, Billy Graham, Eddie Guerrero, Lex Luger, and Chris Benoit. Although these are not the only wrestlers in professional wrestling that have been proven to use them. Most of the professional wrestlers fall into temptation because they want to have a big physique and are going to remain energetic careers or whether they can just plain out get away with it; it remains a mystery.

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