The most electrifing man

 With few prospects in pro football, the most electrifing man turned to wrestling. Dwayne debuting in the WWF against jobber Brooklyn Brawler in Texas. After a few matches, in which The Rock tag team win with Bart Sawyer, the WWE signed him under the character name Flex Kavana. A year later, would turn heel and he joined The Nation of Domination, eventually gaining leadership over its Farooq and calling himself The Rock.

The Rock then joined WWE wrestlers known as The Corporation and began a famous feud with Stone Cold Steve Austin. At this time he was Also known as "The People's Champ," The Rock went on to win a total combined 17 WWE titles over his esteemed career.

Movies and TV

Starting in the film the Scorpion King'

Outside the wrestling ring, The Rock began a successful acting career, after some what leaving his stage name behind and simply going his government name Dwayne Johnson. The Rock went on to make a big black in hollywood. 

'The Rock returned to wrestling from acting and made appearances, along with and including a 2014 appearance with Hulk Hogan and Stone Cold Steve Austin at WWE's WrestleMania 30.

Johnson played in HBO's 'Ballers'

In 2015, Johnson took over the big screen with two big action films. Johnson also debuted his first dramatic comedy later that same year, by playing Spencer Strasmore, a retired pro footballer turned financial planner, on the show Ballers.

As the years went on The Rock decided to produce a Wrestling film. The Rock had decided to return his wrestling roots by appearing as himself in Fighting with My Family (2019), based on the true story of women wrestler Saraya "Paige" Bevis.

Now a days he is the XFL Co-Owner

As of August 2020. Johnson announced that he teamed up with his Ex-wife and a sports management company to purchase the XFL, after the company went bankrupt earlier in the year, for $15 million. The Rock and. Company acquisition of the XFL with his talented partners, Johnson and company look forward to creating something special for the players, fans, and everyone involved for the love of football. The Rock continues to entertain all over the world. And will be always the most electrifing man in sports and entertainment. 

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