The Death of Kayfabe


We all know that the matches we see in the wrestling are all predetermined. We know that the wrestlers that are in these matches will either win or lose. So why can’t pro wrestlers pretend not to break character while they are on social media? No one will ever know. You think for a moment that with these social media tools that wrestlers have been given that they would use this to further stories. But this is not the case.
Pro wrestlers have completely given up. I personally think that kayfabe died when the curtain call incident made its way to the fan eyeballs.

This well before the internet fan. This is well before Reddit or twitter. Every once in a while, a wrestler will use so social media to make a story worthwhile watching but it doesn’t happen too often. Do you think it will ever return? I believe this generation we call “smarks” will never allow kayfabe to return because the ones who were to protect this are form don’t care.

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