Racism in Wrestling


Now before all of you raise your arms in anger. I would appreciate it if you hear what I have to say and take in the facts that I will lay before you. I promise to be truthful and unbiased in everything you will read in the following article. Before I begin expressing my thoughts, I think it’s important to go back to the roots of black athletes in pro wrestling. It may surprise some to know that black wrestlers have been in pro wrestling for almost a century and a half. While there are no official records, it is said that the first black wrestler hit the scene in 1870.The first black wrestler was a slave made free after the civil war. This man’s name was Viro Small; he wrestled under the name “Black Sam.” For the time period, he lived in he made a solid name for himself. He was a big draw all over the country, and he even won his promotion’s main title a couple of times. The history of racism in wrestling goes deeper than you might think. This goes back a long time. Throughout history, wrestling has constantly not had enough black world titleholders. But does It really go back to just not having a black world champion? I beg to differ. In the world of pro wrestling, many industry leaders have provided fans with enough evidence to say why there is no black world champion. your first thought would be to say that World Wrestling Entertainment is one of the racist companies in the history of the industry. With only such champions as The Rock or Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, Booker T the list is short. So maybe it’s not the promotions that are racist maybe it’s the fact that promotions think fans won’t accept a black champion. There are far more examples in other promotions of champions of color getting an opportunity for a push. When will the end? No one ever knows but you can rest assure that fans will be watching.

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